In this video, Piglet and Impact look back on their season 3 victory to find inspiration and drive to become world champions once again.
Stay updated on the latest updates, Patch 5.14 sounds like it has many new tweaks!
2014 cinematic trailer, "A New Dawn" shows off some hints towards what was the newly introduced game mode "Ascension".
Overwatches's latest short animation gives fans an insight into the mysterious origins of everyone's favorite female assassin: Widowmaker. Set on the murky map of...

Patch Rundown 5.16

Check out what's coming up in the next patch!
This cinematic trailer was never officially released by Riot, but it was leaked in 2012 and has made it's way onto the internet for...
Being rude or getting mad at your team-mates is not the right way to resolve issues. Remember that sometimes you're just going to have... Former Tempo Storm captain Dreadnaught explains major drafting concepts and strategies and applies them to real drafts from the NA Spring Championship qualifier. While...
Check out this cool League of Legends documentary Riot Games put together.
A while back, Esports Edition went on a search for an amateur eSports organization to find out what its like to start from the...
Welcome to League of Legends, Cinematic Trailer, was made in 2010. This trailer introduced new people and players to the game in one of...
Legends Rising takes a look into the past at the old World Champions of past years.