
Team Solomid – House Tour

Here is the Team Solomid household, check out how some of the most skilled gamers in the world eat, sleep, and of video...
Being rude or getting mad at your team-mates is not the right way to resolve issues. Remember that sometimes you're just going to have...
Communication is important, as these professionals show, and it all pays off when you're able to make plays like these.
Follow the lives of professional gamers to see how they live their lives. Learn about the things they had to go through to get...
Overwatches's latest short animation gives fans an insight into the mysterious origins of everyone's favorite female assassin: Widowmaker. Set on the murky map of...

DRIVE: The Sneaky Story

Check out the Sneaky story and learn about what it took for Sneaky to become the professional gamer he is today.
This cinematic trailer was never officially released by Riot, but it was leaked in 2012 and has made it's way onto the internet for...
Dota 2 can be a hard game to figure out. Use these tips and tricks to improve your play!
Learn how the Counter Logic Gaming household works, and how they all are able to function with so many members in the house.
Learn how IWillDominate made it to where he is today, and what challenges he went through on the way.
Lustboy takes a look at Bard and tells us how he should be played and used in team fights.
A while back, Esports Edition went on a search for an amateur eSports organization to find out what its like to start from the...