Communication wins games. Every experienced League of Legends player has been a victim of poor communication at one point. In League of Legends there is...
What defines a successful team in esports? More than any other game, momentum factors in heavily when it comes to winning in Heroes of...
The Life of a Top Laner, My favorite part about being a top laner is the first spawn onto fountain. I feel like the world...
The entire Whispers of the Old Gods expansion has now been revealed, and will be released this week. I’d like to take this time...
I recently moved from the East Coast to Western Washington. Everywhere I go, I'm bombarded by neon green and navy blue Seahawks products. They're...
C9 Impact appears to be coming to a NA LCS Summer split near you. Recent reports have revealed that Cloud 9 will swap out long time top...
Whispers of the Old Gods lands on April 26, so it's time to get cracking with deckbuilding! In this article, I'll explore a tentacley...
Valve's obligatory post-Major update has finally shipped, and it's a big one--Nuke is being added to the Active Duty map pool while Inferno is unceremoniously moved...
I love watching LCS. Seeing pro players compete at the highest level and pull off low percentage game-changing plays is exhilarating. When FeniX 1v4...