Even for experienced first-person-shooter players, picking up a new game can be challenging – especially one as complex as Overwatch. There's a huge amount of...
Introduction This is yet another Yogg-Saron inspired deck. It was first seen in competitive play by Tars, who brought it to Dreamhack Austin and managed...
Get your hype train conductor hats ready - the Manila Major arrives on June 3rd. Our writer Alex filled you in on which individual...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwPa1SGLGv0 On May 31st 2016, Riot hosted a roundtable discussion regarding Dynamic Queue. They brought together the following personalities. Riot Pwyff - Communications Lead at Riot...
Elder who? New hero? With 111 heroes to choose from, it's hardly surprising that one or two of them tend to get a little...
The European LCS 2016 Summer Split kicked off today, June 2nd, at 11am EST with Origen versus G2, and H2K versus Roccat. This split...
Confident, driven, precise, skilled, marketable, polarizing; William “Leffen” Hjelte has all the hallmarks of a superstar player any organization would kill to have on...
I like to think that every great team is made up of little bits of success. They are influenced by every small victory experienced...
Since League of Legends' inception, its audience has been clamoring for a sandbox mode - a game style where any, and every, parameter could...