Recent patches in League of Legends have been relatively tame in comparison to what we saw in the Mid-Season Mage Update. Patch 6.13...
  It can be difficult to keep up with the meta in League of Legends. New patches are frequent and PBE tweaks are constantly being...
When CLG were fighting their way through the international teams competing at the Mid Season Invitational (MSI), the rest of North America was at...
Sometimes after a massive outplay I feel so 'swole' that I want nothing more than to flex on my enemies. Unlike first-person shooters...
After a domineering showing at the Mid-Season Invitational, SKT T1 is struggling to find its footing within its own region. As of June 22nd,...
Top lane champion, Illaoi, has recently entered the ranks of S-tier top laners. Her abilites deal significant damage while healing her for a percentage...
Riot's game patch 6.11 made a fairly significant change to Trinity Force, and the metagame has truly started to reflect this one alteration. Whereas the old...
How can you prepare for ranked? Learning how to play League of Legends as a new player is quite the undertaking. First you start off...
Challenger players are the 0.01% of the League of Legends player base. They have invested countless hours into the game and in turn developed...
This week saw a good portion of North America's Challenger ladder effectively disappear into thin air. The players didn't disintegrate, but they might as...
Whether you die to Wolves, or after a brutally close one-on-one duel, it all boils down to the same in-game statistic. A death. Still, how...
League of Legends is a free-to-play game with a massive fan base constantly demanding new features and fixes to make their playing experience better....