Kobolds and Catacombs brought us a lot of really strong cards when it was released last year. Some would even argue that the expansion,...
Watching high-level Hearthstone is great. But sometimes we just want to see our favorite players crash and burn like the rest of us. With...
The third Heroic Tavern Brawl has arrived! Like it has been in the past, the Heroic Tavern Brawl is a Hearthstone event that caters...
The current Hearthstone meta revolves entirely around Druid. At rank one, Druids make up over 60% of the decks, and across all decks, that...
Hearthstone: Heroes of Free to Play is a series in which I document my adventures starting off fresh with a new account and playing...
Introduction Tilt is when a player begins to misplay, and then continues to misplay because of their emotional state. It is present in pretty much...
Lately there have been a lot of criticisms of the Hearthstone developers for their lack of communication. I wrote an article on the subject...
Hearthstone Solo adventures is something that Blizzard strayed away from for a long time. Playing with other players has always been the main focus,...
The Starladder Hearthstone tournament, paired with I-League finals have now concluded. The tournament boasted some of the top players from all over the world,...
Coming off of the discussion about Power Creep in Hearthstone, here’s another designer issue which can cause issues when developing cards. Limited design space...
The Starladder Hearthstone tournament, paired with I-League has moved on to the final stage. The tournament boasts some of the top players from all...
Introduction This week Hearthstone experienced quite a bit of miscellaneous news. Some of the things directly impact players at the top end of ladder play....