We were able to catch up with Dylan ‘Hotform’ Mullins at Good Game Convention in Toronto. Hotform is a professional Hearthstone player who lives...
We say goodbye to Sorry With Hearthstone’s most recent expansion, they made a UI change affecting how players communicate. There have always been six different...
One of the most important changes when Standard was released was that with Naxxramas and Goblins cycling out, Hearthstone would rely far less on...
There are a thousand guides on how to climb the ladder in Hearthstone. They all include important advice, but most of them focus around...
Introduction Zoo Warlock, or Zoolock, was made by Reynad early on in Hearthstone’s history, and it has managed to survive every meta since, with varying...
This week’s Tavern Brawl is Top Two. You choose two cards, and your entire deck will filled with fifteen of each of the cards...
Dreamhack Austin went down this past weekend, and with the new expansion having just launched, it was played with the Standard format and all of...
As a follow up to the Top Five Legendaries of Old Gods, let’s take a look at some of the worst legendaries. Many of...
The Old Gods expansion has been out for a week now, and certain legendaries have proven to be exactly as strong as we thought,...
Brann Bronzebeard Brann Bronzebeard is the youngest of the three Bronzebeard brothers, with King Magni Bronzebeard and Muradin Bronzebeard being his elders. Brann is an...
Introduction With the release of the new expansion came the Old Gods. Yogg-Saron, master of magic. Y’Shaarj, leader of armies. C’Thun and his many prophets....
What is Deck Tracker? A year ago, many were up in arms about deck trackers, whether defending them or attacking them. Even still, there...