Nearly all online multiplayer games receive new content as their game progresses. Whether this content is in the form of downloadable content (DLC), new...
The Situation
At this point everyone knows that the upcoming Hearthstone Standard format will be making use of the most recent year of sets, the...
What is it?
The Curse Trials are a tournament put on by Archon and sponsored by Curse, boasting a $30,000 prize pool. It was inspired...
Hearthstone: Heroes of Free to Play is a series in which I document my adventures starting off fresh with a new account and playing...
The Situation
With the release of the Standard format, a lot of people have been talking about how useless their Wild cards (cards not currently...
The Challenge
A few weeks ago, popular streamer and Archon team co-owner Amaz laid out an arena challenge. He put out a challenge to all...
There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing...
And why does that design space seem to matter so much to Hearthstone's players and developers?
When talking about Hearthstone and the decisions of the...