Antique Healbot
Antique Healbot was one of my favourite cards. It’s not overpowered at all, it is quite balanced in fact. Giving up quite a bit of tempo in order to heal yourself often hurts more than it helps. Knowing when you can play Healbot was important, and its finesse was underrated. It was also one of the best stabilizing tools against aggressive decks.
If you’re playing a midrange deck against aggro, there’s often a point in the game where you almost die. At this point you’ve usually managed to clear their board and it’s down to the last points of damage. Here is where Antique Healbot shines. It doesn’t stabilize the board, but it can certainly help get you out of a bind sometimes. With Healbot gone I find many decks are missing that little healing touch that they need. The new healing effects are fairly bad, with the exception of those for Paladin. Earthen Ring Farseer has grown exponentially in popularity, but it simply isn’t the same. Antique Healbot made many control decks so much better, he will be remembered fondly.