School is back in session. Time for all of us to stop late night gaming for at least a week as we convince ourselves...
All but two berths have been decided for the 2017 League of Legends World Championships, with the remaining spots up for grabs in the...
German mid laner Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage has joined Misfits, the organization announced Friday. He will compete with Europe’s newest LCS team in their upcoming...
How can you prepare for ranked? Learning how to play League of Legends as a new player is quite the undertaking. First you start off...
My greatest fears have come to fruition. During the reveal of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, I wondered about this. And now it has happened....
Blizzard announced their first Overwatch event; the Overwatch World Cup. Participants will be chosen by a Blizzard run community vote. The tournament will start with a...
The Evolution Championship Series (EVO) is the largest and longest running fighting game tournament holder in the world. The event will be held from July...
The most important peripheral in my gaming arsenal is, without a doubt, the mouse. Personally, I'm one of the least adaptable gamers. Ever. I find...
  Patch 7.3, the most recent balance update to League of Legends has one major theme from top to bottom: nerfing the 'OPs'. Notably, Camille, Ivern, Jayce,...
One of my favorite things about large Dota 2 events are the special cosmetics that Valve releases to support these tournaments. There's something undeniably...
The second wing of The League of Explorers has come out this past week, and with it the second legendary explorer: Brann Bronzebeard. Like...
Whenever a new patch comes out, the vast majority of Dota players want to know the same thing: which heroes do I need to...