Stay updated on the latest updates, Patch 5.14 sounds like it has many new tweaks!
Lustboy takes a look at Bard and tells us how he should be played and used in team fights.

How to Pick Your Champion

Learn how to make your champion pick contribute to the team and help you win more games.
Dota 2 can be a hard game to figure out. Use these tips and tricks to improve your play!
Communication is important, as these professionals show, and it all pays off when you're able to make plays like these.
All those hours of playing League of Legends must have really payed off! If you practice enough, someday you may be able to pull...
Being rude or getting mad at your team-mates is not the right way to resolve issues. Remember that sometimes you're just going to have...
2014 cinematic trailer, "A New Dawn" shows off some hints towards what was the newly introduced game mode "Ascension".