
Top 5 Best Legendaries from Old Gods

The Old Gods expansion has been out for a week now, and certain legendaries have proven to be exactly as strong as we thought, while others have been surprisingly good – or bad. Here’s a list of my top...

The Pro’s Hero Picks for the Early 6.87 Meta

The Manila Major qualifiers are underway, and the 6.87 meta is beginning to take shape. Hero pick rates were gathered from DatDota, which is an awesome stats site you should definitely go check out. The site's curator, Noxville, has built an...

Brann Bronzebeard in Old Gods

Brann Bronzebeard Brann Bronzebeard is the youngest of the three Bronzebeard brothers, with King Magni Bronzebeard and Muradin Bronzebeard being his elders. Brann is an active member and founder of the Explorers' League, following closely in the footsteps of his...

Nobody Can Stop Korea: SKT Dominates LCK Playoffs

For 3 consecutive years now, the Korean regional finals have been more competitive than the World Championship finals themselves; many (and not wrongly so) believe Korea to have consistently elevated their game well above other regions. Aside from a...

The Big Winner Decks in the Old Gods Expansion

So the expansion has been out for a few days now, and decks have been flooding the ladder. Here’s a quick analysis of the winners and losers in this expansion: Winners: Everyone Losers: No one That’s right, in the days after the...

8 Potential Strongest Cards from the Old Gods

The entire Whispers of the Old Gods expansion has now been revealed, and will be released this week. I’d like to take this time to look over the set and pick out some of the cards that I believe...

Can’t Win the Game in 15 Minutes? Stop Playing Lee Sin!

I love watching LCS. Seeing pro players compete at the highest level and pull off low percentage game-changing plays is exhilarating. When FeniX 1v4 kills everybody on Azir, Jensen jukes 3 close range skill shots to evade a gank,...

6 Midseason Mage Makeovers

Patch 6.9 will bring with it a massive mid-season re-work to some of the outdated mages. While a few of them are receiving some minor tweaks to their skills, 6 of these champions have gone through complete overhauls: Brand,...

Nerfs Hit the Standard Cards, Finally.

When Blizzard announced that they were coming out with a Standard format, in which the Basic and Classic sets would always be available, they said that there were a few cards that they would tweak before Standard went live,...

Dazzle Me Anew: Previewing the Taric Re-Work

Runeterra's epitome of masculinity has gone through an extreme makeover, but worry not - he has still retained his toned pectoral muscles and luscious hair. Most would probably agree that his aesthetic profile has only been perfected more, however,...

Potential Decks for Old Gods

With Whispers of the Old Gods coming out in just over a week, we’ve seen quite a few cards released, and it’s clear that Blizzard is pushing for several new decks to exist after the expansion launches. With so...

Why Isn’t Last Whisper Cutting down Tanks?

It's hardly a question in anyone's mind at this point: League of Legends is going through a tank meta. Generally, meta-game shifts can be attributed to either the overpowered state of one style due to a specific item or...