Overwatches's latest short animation gives fans an insight into the mysterious origins of everyone's favorite female assassin: Widowmaker. Set on the murky map of...
An Esports Hall of Fame Esports has been swiftly growing ever since the MOBA League of Legends became a smash hit and brought the possibilities...
  Sometimes you go too HAM. When riding the incredible high following an in-game outplay you often put yourself in a vulnerable position. Maybe it's a...
Queue times, though highly varying depending on rating, have consistently plagued League of Legends players since the game's inception. Even though Riot has done...
New Cards Everywhere! This week had a ton of new cards, so this week’s installment will be just put towards addressing them all. Without further...
So you’ve moved past the need for a beginner’s guide and are ready to climb the ladder. Or maybe you’re rank 5 and just...
Here are my esports related thoughts for this week: Esports Apparrel: Jerseys in Esports Will we ever see a celebrity wearing an esports jersey? Justin Bieber...
Ask ten different Dota fans who is their favorite caster, and you're likely to get answers naming one of  two or three unique casters....

The Women of Overwatch

Female characters have become a hot topic in the eSports world over the past few years, after accusations of entrenched sexism and hostility towards...