To little surprise, SKTelecom T1 finished their semifinal series against Origen with three consecutive wins. The completion of this series brings SKT to an...
2015 looked to be a promising year for Team Solomid since just the year before the North American team finished 5th place at Worlds...
The last of the World Championship quarterfinal matches featured two teams with two very different trajectories. On one side were the surging KT Rolster,...
In a matchup most people believed would be close, Fnatic comes out with a surprising 3-0, sending the second European team through to the...
European faithfuls have been rewarded today as Origen took the series 3-1 against the Flash Wolves and proceed to the semifinals. At a surface...
The second week of Worlds 2015 had some unsurprising differences in champion selection. The top five champions remain dominant, although how powerful each one...
Blizzard is usually pretty secretive about projects they work on right up until they are ready to tell us about them. This year, some...
Full of heartbreak, upsets and success stories, Group B ended up being an emotional roller coaster for many fans. North America's last hope, Cloud...