2. N’Zoth, the Corruptor
I definitely undervalued this guy. I kept thinking of using him in an aggressive Deathrattle deck, but in those types of decks the game is usually decided long before turn ten. However, he’s made his debut in a surprising place, in Deathrattle Paladin of all places! Turns out that getting a second Tirion for free when you play N’Zoth is pretty good value, forcing your opponent to play on the defensive against multiples of what many have called the strongest card in Hearthstone. Running N’Zoth alongside other strong Deathrattle minions such as Cairne or Sylvanas only adds to the value, and because of the incredible control aspect that the deck has, it is able to defeat nearly any challenger. N’Zoth also has potential in other decks as well, anyone who can fit him in as a late game bomb has been testing him out. N’Zoth has exceeded my expectations spectacularly.