
EL vs. ViT: It’s Time for KaSing to Become KaSing

  This week the EU LCS opened up with Elements vs. Team Vitality. Coming into the 2016 Spring Split, these two teams had polar expectations. Each team is newly created, with rosters that need to figure out what works. Also,...

Too Long, Didn’t Watch: What Happened on EU LCS W4D1

We had almost a full slate of David versus Goliath style matches today on the 2016 EU LCS spring split week 4, day 1. The freshly reworked Shen was open to be picked, Kindred was re-enabled after sitting out...

NA and EU LCS Week 3: Stats, Analysis, and Predictions

Rather than conducting weekly Power Rankings, I will be doing a statistical analysis of the LCS teams. This week's article will take a look at the stats from Week 3 and will be used to forecast the following week's...

Target Bans You Should Expect after EU LCS W2D1 (2016)

The pick and ban phase dictates how any given game will play out. Bans can be used to target a specific player who is exceptionally good at a champion, handicap a player who can only perform on a limited...