Top 10 League of Legends Skins – Patch 5.14

10. Arclight Vel'Koz This skin pleased everybody when it came out, the yellow and the blue go so well together. The purple/pink default skin just can't compare to this skin. What would be even better, a chroma pack... 9. Knockout Lee...

DRIVE: The Aphromoo Story

Check out how Aphromoo got to where he is now and what it took for him to overcome his barriers.

DRIVE: The Bunny FuFuu Story

Follow Bunny FuFuu and learn how he almost didn't make it into professional play.

DRIVE: The IWillDominate Story

Learn how IWillDominate made it to where he is today, and what challenges he went through on the way.

DRIVE: The Quas Story

For Quas, League became fun in a way like no other. Learn why he is so happy to be in North America.

DRIVE: The Sneaky Story

Check out the Sneaky story and learn about what it took for Sneaky to become the professional gamer he is today.

DRIVE: The Pobelter Story

Check out the story behind Pobelter and how he got to where he is today.

PrimeTime League – Episode 24

Coach of the Split awards, Kobe and Phreak face the Death Timer, and QuickShot takes on a Hot Pepper Highlight. Mic Check, the Penta and the PTFL4 Champion is revealed.

Community Collab – This Is Bilgewater

Check out this sweet song some fans from 'Community Collab' made based off of the lore about Gangplank and his army!

Top 5 Junglers in League of Legends – Patch 5.14

5. Nunu Nunu has high sustain and is great for counter jungling. Nunu is tanky and can snowball his AD Carry with constant ganks. Nunu scales with health which makes him a late game tank for teamfights, and his ultimate...

Top 5 Mid-Laners in League of Legends – Patch 5.13

5. Ahri Ahri has a decent laning phase and a high pick potential. She is good at assassinating enemies and has decent wave clear. Her "Q" makes her ungankable because of the movement speed and she is good at picking...

Top 5 AD Carries in League of Legends – Patch 5.13

5. Corki Corki has high physical and magical damage high burst damage, and is strong throughout the whole game. His rockets scale with levels giving him high damage poke. Corki can always rely on his "W" to get him out...