3. Katarina
Katarina is one of the most powerful champs in the game. She doesn’t take too much skill to play because whenever you kill someone all your abilities reset. Her ultimate can kill a whole team and all you have to do is stand still. Katarina has been nerfed a few times now but no matter how many times she gets nerfed, she will still have her advantages.
Builds for katarina are pretty much the same as LeBlanc. A little bit against your laner and the rest full ability power. Maybe add in a little bit of health here and there. Other than that you can’t really go wrong with Katarina. She is really easy to play, just don’t get caught without your shunpo because it is your only means of escape unless you kill somebody and all your abilities reset (which by the way is the most unfair thing in the whole game)…
So stay safe in the early game and only go in when you are confident enough that you can win the fight. You should also be safe to go in if you’re a jungler or the rest of your team is there to help you out.