4. Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound
Y’Shaarj was seen as the worst Old God by far when they were announced. Unfortunately for him, this is completely accurate. While all the Old Gods cost ten, he’s the only one that doesn’t seriously affect the board the turn he is played, giving your opponent an entire turn to react to his presence. In order for Y’Shaarj to be strong, his first pull would need to pull out a large taunt minion. Any other time that you play him would simply be a win-more situation, as you cannot give your opponent two turns to play and expect to win in a close game.
There really isn’t much to say about the meta for Y’Shaarj. People attempted to slot him into Control Warrior and Ramp Druid, but in both cases he simply wasn’t strong enough to warrant the cost. In most cases he was replaced with Deathwing or even Soggoth the Slitherer. Overall, Y’Shaarj is easily the worst of the Old Gods.