Stephen Draper
The Old Gods expansion has been out for a week now, and certain legendaries have proven to be exactly as strong as we thought,...
With the release of the new expansion came the Old Gods. Yogg-Saron, master of magic. Y’Shaarj, leader of armies. C’Thun and his many prophets....
So the expansion has been out for a few days now, and decks have been flooding the ladder. Here’s a quick analysis of the...
The entire Whispers of the Old Gods expansion has now been revealed, and will be released this week. I’d like to take this time...
When Blizzard announced that they were coming out with a Standard format, in which the Basic and Classic sets would always be available, they...
With Whispers of the Old Gods coming out in just over a week, we’ve seen quite a few cards released, and it’s clear that...
All the Old Gods have been revealed, but there are still many cards to be revealed. The reveals continue this week, and for the...
Last week I discussed limited design space in Hearthstone. With card games it is often very easy to see examples of limited design space,...