Andrey Sanin

Andrey Sanin
Having played Magic for 10+ years and been around Hearthstone since beta, I've been around various card games for a while now. I love Blizzard games and spend most of my gaming time playing them, but well polished indie games also bite chunks into my time. Follow me on Twitter: @wordoverload
Ah, Grim Patron. You are indeed a horrible plague upon the beauty of Hearthstone. Almost every Hearthstone player has faced this deck, capable of...
TGT Handlock: Playing Life Tap Warlock Handlock is a control warlock deck centered around using Warlock's hero power, Life Tap, to draw a large hand that...
Legendary cards in Hearthstone are generally pretty powerful. However, some of them just don't live up to the expectations. 5. Hemet Nesingwary Weighing in at 5...
Elite Tauren Chieftan: The Rock Band of Warcraft Elite Tauren Chieftan is a rock band made up of Blizzard employees. They have preformed at Blizzcon...