1. Bjergsen
Many would agree Bjergsen is on the top of the pyramid in the NA LCS. He may not be considered a god yet, but he’s not far from it. Bjergsen plays mid lane for Team SoloMid (TSM) and mains champions such as Zed, Ahri, LeBlanc, Nidalee and can adapt to quite a few more.
During the spring split Bjergsen proved himself to be the top mid laner, and he almost never loses. TSM won the IEM tournament thanks to Bjergsen’s many leads on the other team’s mid laners and the group’s great teamwork. TSM is on top of the NA LCS right now and a major part of their success has been due to Bjergsen’s wonderful playmaking skills. Bjergsen is not originally
from North America – he was born in Sweden and came to play for TSM in November 2013. Bjergsen was the second player to transfer from EU to NA.