Whether you die to Wolves, or after a brutally close one-on-one duel, it all boils down to the same in-game statistic. A death. Still, how you die likely has a big impact on your focus and mental performance for the rest of the game. Losing a duel is way lower on the tilt meter than dying to wolves.
Certain annoying champions score higher on the tilt meter than others. It’s hard for me to get upset when I get assassinated by a Rengar, or a Zed. It is their sole purpose to take squishy targets off the map. How can you be mad at somebody for doing their job? These 5 annoying champions, however, never fail to elicit a response from me upon death.

5. Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol is one of the annoying champions who does damage by colliding his passive spinning ring of damage with an enemy champion. Remember that TV show with the little remote control battle robots equipped with sharp objects? Aurelion Sol is the battle bot on League of Legends. In a world with magic spells and expert duelists Aurelion Sol is a bumper car.
Dying to Aurelion Sol typically means either you forgot to upgrade your boots, or you got hit by his enormous stun. In a messy team fight, that’s almost acceptable. It’s the solo deaths that make you question why you play this game so much.

4. Illaoi
Illaoi is the strongest she’s ever been right now and that’s not a good thing for my mental health. Her life steal is obnoxious and her ultimate will kill both you, and your jungler. She is even seeing play in the LCS. Now is a good time to play Illaoi in your ranked games.
Dying to Illaoi isn’t too bad most of the time. Once you understand how her tentacles work, you’re pretty much in the clear. It’s that off-time when you’re not really paying attention where things get ugly. Dying to a rogue tentacle is enough to convince yourself it’s time to go to bed.
3. Janna
Janna’s job in League of Legends is to prevent fun champions from doing their jobs. As part of the anti-fun police, Janna shields and heals all of the squishy targets on her team. Her shield also acts as an AD steroid. Riot pls…
It’s those messy team fights that come down to the sub-100HP carry champion against the 50% support that gets me. Janna presses ‘E’, and suddssenly she’s granted a shield worth hundreds of HP and just enough AD to win the duel with a couple of autos.
2. Nunu
Nunu is a tanky jungler whose kit is designed around bothering the enemy jungler. Having smite as an ability, as well as a couple crippling slows, make Nunu a favorite to win smite battles while still having strong ganks.
Getting beat down by Nunu as he repeatedly throws snowballs at you is excruciating. Even if he’s not doing much damage Nunu will make it his goal to prevent you from doing anything significant for the duration of the team fight. Nunu is NOT a fun champion to die to.
1. Zilean
Zilean is another one of the annoying champions with a kit designed to ruin your day. Slows, stuns, speed-ups and revives make up the utility among Zilean’s versatile abilities. In addition to all of this he has a punchable face. Seriously, whose idea was it to give all of these abilities to a cheeky clock?
Zilean will toss his timed bombs on your head and then use the rest of his time to BM you. Mastery spam, laugh, taunt… Zilean players have a lot of time to be creative as they watch the final seconds of your life tick down. Boom.