10. Team SecretTeam Secret is currently in 10th place for highest tournament winnings. They have played in eight tournaments and have earned a total of $496,056.9. LGD GamingLGD Gaming have a total of $1,157,594 and come in at ninth place. They have played in over 30 tournaments and are well on their way to place in many more.8. Cloud 9Cloud 9 is well known in the gaming scene, and Dota 2 is no exception. Cloud 9, although in 8th place, have a total of $1,216,267 from only 23 tournaments.7. Team DKTeam DK comes in seventh with $1,534,801. They have played in only 26 tournaments. Not bad for a newer team.6. AllianceAlliance have played in 44 tournaments and have won a total of $1,906,724.5. Invictus GamingInvictus is currently in fifth place with $2,334,198. They have played in over 40 tournaments.4. ViCi GamingViCi Gaming is currently in fourth place for highest tournament winnings. They have won a total of $2,389,113 from over 27 tournaments.3. Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses come in at number three with $2,925,504 in winnings from 40 tournaments. However, Evil Geniuses are expected to climb further up this ladder in the near future.2. Natus VincereComing in at number two is Natus Vincere, who have won approximately $3,026,000 over the course of 67 tournaments. They are one of the very few teams to have played in over 50 tournaments.1. NewbeeWith a total of over $5.5 million in winnings, Newbee has made the most money from Dota 2 tournaments by far with over $2 million more than the second highest earning team. Andthey've raked in all that cash from playing in only 17 tournaments! It is pretty clear that they are at the top of the league.