
Midrange Shaman Guide



Midrange Shaman and Aggro Shaman have been vying for position as top Shaman deck for a while. While Aggro Shaman typically comes out on top, there is a good argument to be made for Midrange Shaman. Personally, I prefer the midrange variant. The lists are far more interesting, and it’s more fun to play without four mana 7/7s! This particular list comes from redditor DoyleHS, who used it to hit rank one legend.

Midrange Shaman Decklist

As mentioned, the biggest bone of contention here is the lack of Flamewreathed Faceless. While it isn’t wrong to put him in, he isn’t necessary (personally, I bloody hate the card). Fit him in if you see fit. The biggest reason he isn’t there to begin with is his overload which makes it difficult to lead into later turns. In Aggro this isn’t relevant, in Midrange it poses a much more significant problem.

The other obvious card of note is Spirit Claws. The card is new and experimental, but with five dedicated sources of spellpower, as well as totems, it’s fairly solid.


As with most midrange decks, your goal is fairly simple. Play strong minions on curve, make good trades, and overwhelm your opponent with value. Every card in this deck is designed to remove cards or trade well. Flametongue allows every totem to be a source of value as well. Thunderbluff Valiant only adds to that totem value train.

The deck also has an incredible amount of card draw. Bloodmage Thalnos, Azure Drakes, and Mana Tide Totem all cycle while providing board presence. Thing from Below provides crazy value for
how cheaply he can be played. Al’Akir provides yet another source of removal, or a strong finisher. He is especially strong when combined with Rockbiter Weapon.

Good Matchups

The deck fares surprisingly well against control decks because of Hex. Hex is a fairly generic removal spell with one big difference. It doesn’t actually kill the target. A large portion of control decks at the moment are based around N’Zoth. If you are able to Hex their Sylvanas and potential Cairne, N’Zoth doesn’t have much to bring back. You remove not only their threats, but their win condition. Same deal for Murloc Paladin, if that becomes relevant.

You also do quite well against most aggressive decks, due to the inclusion of Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portal. The Portal is a very effective tool at clearing, especially when combined with your spellpower. While you may not want to be taking damage from clearing with Spirit Claws, it gives a big tempo swing.

Bad Matchups

C’Thun decks can pose serious problems for this deck. Your removal isn’t as effective when their minions all boost C’Thun. Hexing C’Thun is great, except that he does 15+ damage when he enters play. The matchup is winnable, but it is quite difficult.

Control matchups where they don’t run N’Zoth also become quite difficult. Druids in particular are troublesome if they are able to ramp into late game. You don’t have the finishing potential of Aggro Shaman. This means if they are able to play a few big threats, you simply can’t overcome them. In these matchups the best bet is to simply overpower your opponent as fast as possible. Spirit Claws is a big swing here, clearing up to three minions, or providing nine face damage.

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Stephen Draper


Stephen has a degree in English from Brock University. He grew up playing video games and card games, always having an affection for strategy. He picked up League of Legends in early Season One and has since achieved Diamond rank multiple times. He also picked up Hearthstone in Beta and has since achieved Legend consistently. When he isn’t reading, writing, or gaming, he’s probably watching other people game.