
The Four Most Popular Class Legendary Cards



This article is a follow up to the Five Most Popular Neutral Legendaries article we published last week. We dropped it to four because as it turns out, there aren’t many incredibly popular class legendaries! This one is also largely dependent on what class you personally enjoy playing. If you don’t like a class, don’t craft the legendary simply because it is in all decks from that class. Once again we made use of the deck data over at Tempo Storm’s Meta Snapshot. We pulled our data from the 33 decks they list. Without further ado…


Grommash Hellscream has been a staple of Warrior decks since Hearthstone’s release. Throughout the years he has found his way into Control, Grim Patron, and Dragon Warrior decklists. He is an extremely strong legendary by himself, but the fact that Warrior has so many activators makes him incredible. Whirlwind, Inner Rage, and even Ravaging Ghoul provide activators. He can also be used to simply remove a card such as Azure Drake, and provide a huge threat. His hay-day might have been back with Death’s Bite, but Grommash certainly isn’t dead yet!

Grommash Hellscream appeared in two of the three Warrior decks present. He works quite well in both Control and Dragon Warrior archetypes. Grommash will always be a good craft if you plan to ever play Warrior seriously.


Ragnaros the Lightlord is the only legendary on the list not from the classic set. He has managed to find his way in, however, due to his insane board presence. He may not remove an opponent’s threat, but he is far more reliable than his fiery brother. You can easily force him to heal yourself, making his board impact huge. The fact that he creates an 8/8 body afterwards is only a bonus! And if they don’t remove him, his snowballing only continues. He provides an eight health difference the turn he is played, but a sixteen health difference every turn after!

Ragnaros the Lightlord appeared in three of the four Paladin decks listed. It is worth noting that he is second, not third, as he shares this number with another card. His versatility makes him amazing in both Control and Midrange Paladin archetypes. He is easily the best class legendary from any set after the classic set.


Our other second place legendary is Edwin VanCleef. He has been a card that Rogues have included since beta. Edwin is the only class legendary that is completely optional in any deck. He isn’t there as a threat himself, but rather as a supplemental threat. You play him on a turn that simply happens to work, and see how big he is. Oftentimes professionals will coin him out for a turn two 4/4! Other times they save him for a massive Auctioneer play, making a 16/16. In any case, he is a great addition to decks, even if he isn’t necessary.

Edwin VanCleef appeared in all three Rogue decks. This means he was an auto-include in every single Rogue archetype. Can it be any clearer that he is a great addition to any Rogue deck?


Tirion Fordring is the legendary everyone looks at when they are thinking about value. If he isn’t silenced or Entombed or Polymorphed, his value is absolutely off the charts. The fact that silenced was just nerfed hard, and Priests aren’t doing well, only makes him stronger. Tirion can single handedly change the course of a game. You have to clear him, using quite a bit of resources, and then you have to deal with the weapon! It takes quite a bit to overcome him, many estimate his value to be around thirteen mana.

Tirion was found in all four of the Paladin decks listed. He is so good that he was even listed in the one Aggro Paladin list. He also fits in Control and Midrange extremely well, and always has. If you ever plan to play Paladin, you’d simply be a fool not to include Tirion.

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Stephen Draper


Stephen has a degree in English from Brock University. He grew up playing video games and card games, always having an affection for strategy. He picked up League of Legends in early Season One and has since achieved Diamond rank multiple times. He also picked up Hearthstone in Beta and has since achieved Legend consistently. When he isn’t reading, writing, or gaming, he’s probably watching other people game.