League of Legends

Top 5 Junglers in League of Legends – Patch 5.13


5. Lee Sin

Lee Sin is one of the most mobile champions in the game, making him great for setting up plays, and, getting around for ganks. Lee Sin has a strong early game, he can put out a lot of damage, and can snowball himself and his team into a victory. Lee Sin is one of the strongest duelists in the game, and, has a decent amount of sustain. If you are looking for a fun jungler, I would recommend Lee Sin.

4. Nunu

Nunu is a very strong jungler in the current patch, he is tanky, and can last long periods of time in not only his jungle, but the enemies too. Nunu is able to scale with health off of monsters and buffs making him into a threat in the mid to late game. Nunu has the ability to snowball his AD Carry due to his great ganks, and if you can get his ultimate off without being cancelled by the enemy, Nunu can put out a decent amount of damage. If you are used to playing a more passive role in the jungle try Nunu.

3. Rek’Sai

Rek’Sai is a strong hyper jungler that has a lot of mobility, and damage to go with it. Rek’sai has good clears and sustain, and her tunnels allow her to get around the jungle faster than any other junglers. Rek’Sai’s tunnels can be used to initiate, or escape. Due to her mobility, Rek’Sai’s ganks are something the enemy team always to be looking out for. Rek’Sai can be a fun jungler for beginners to learn because she isn’t too hard to learn. As players become better and better, Rek’Sai’s abilities allow players to make more and more plays as their skill level rises.

2. Evelynn

Evelynn adds something to the game not many other junglers can. That’s right, her stealth. Evelynn provides early game pressure and can force enemies to spend gold on pink wards due to her stealth. Evelynn has great ganks and decent initiation which helps her team if they begin to fall behind. Evelynn has great base damage and is a great chaser, she is fairly easy to play and does not take too long to learn. Evelynn can be a fun champion to learn for all experience levels.

1. Nidalee

Coming in at number one is Nidalee. Nidalee is a high mobility jungler with great poke and high magic damage. She is strong from early to late game, giving her high kill potential. Nidalee also has a heal, which allows her to last longer in the jungle, as well as heal teammates when ganking. Nidalee is hard to master but is by far the strongest jungler this patch.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.