
Top 5 Card Picks for Arena – Rares


Following my article where we discussed the top neutral commons in arena, this article will cover the top neutral rare cards in arena. As discussed last time, the rarity of cards is highly important in arena, as you will be getting a lot of commons and rares, but not many epic or legendary cards. Your commons will be the body of your deck, but there are many chances to pick rares as well, making them nearly as important.

One thing that is important to note is that Blizzard has said that the rarity of cards is often related to their difficulty to play, not their actual power level. This is so that newer players won’t be overwhelmed by difficult to use cards. The importance here is that rare cards are not necessarily stronger than commons. In fact, rares are often quite bad for arena decks, as they are based off of synergy, rather than individual power level. Here we’ve compiled a list of rares that deserve their rarity, and will add great strength to your arena deck.

Five: Mind Control Tech

Everyone who plays arena, or has ever watched any big streamers play – especially Kripparrian – will know this card intimately. This is the one you forget to play around, or think about but push out of your mind, and get punished by having your best minion stolen. Mind Control Tech is one of those cards that can single handedly turn the tide of a game. Going from losing to stealing one of their minions, as well as playing your own, in a single three mana card, is extremely powerful.

The downside of this card is that if you are unable to meet its conditions, the card is rather lackluster. However, because of the massive potential upside, it is certainly one that you’ll want in most decks. The only decks that may not want it are ones that intend on getting quick victories, where their opponents will never have more than four minions in play. And for goodness sake, remember this little guy when you’re playing, there’s no reason to play into him if you can avoid it.

Four: Bomb Lobber

Bomb Lobber is another card that makes a big impact when he enters play. He’s the perfect answer to many four drops, as well as several other five drops, if they can be isolated. In many scenarios he’s an Assassinate with a 3/3 body attached, for five mana. Any time he’s able to get full value, it makes the game incredibly one-sided. Unlike Mind Control Tech, he can be used – and is in fact stronger – when you’re ahead, while still being good at turning the tides.

Despite its small body, this card is perfect for fast decks, as it allows the pressure to continue building. In fact, it’s a lot worse in slower decks, since your opponent will probably have a few targets, making Bomb Lobber’s ability far weaker. However, with some manipulation it is an excellent addition to many decks. He fits best in Mage, Druid, and Rogue decks because of their ability to kill off low health targets with their hero power prior to playing him.

Three: Sunwalker

The old god of arena, the Sunwalker. This card is a well-known favourite of many arena players. Despite it being overshadowed by some of the newer minions like Bog Creeper, Sunwalker is still a good, reliable choice. In the worst of scenarios, it will eat a small minion or a hero power and then another minion, but in the best case it will kill off two large minions before falling. It’s a great way to stop an opponent’s charge, while once again providing a strong enough body for a counter-push. In many scenarios it will only end up eating your opponent’s hero power, but that’s still a two mana cost just to get rid of the divine shield.

Sunwalker is not an incredibly aggressive card. It can certainly protect smaller minions if you want to play it in an aggressive deck, but for the most part it’s better in slower decks. Similar to Bomb Lobber, it goes well in Mage, Druid, and Rogue for their ability to kill off low health targets before they can pop his shield. He also works well with Druid, who enjoys ramping into large taunt minions.

Two: Azure Drake

Azure Drake might as well be known as old faithful. One of the favourites since the game’s release, with Azure Drake you always know what you’re getting. He’s not overpowered the way that other cards are, but he always packs a punch. Getting a body worth almost four mana, plus drawing a card, is a great value at only five mana. The spellpower bonus is just that, a bonus, icing on an already good card. This card won’t win you too many games by itself, but it will always be a strong play, and a great card to pull off the top when your hand is empty.

Azure Drake’s value comes largely from the card it draws, not from its own body. It doesn’t impact the board and it’s not intimidating, so it doesn’t fit particularly well with very fast decks. However, its value is great enough that nearly any deck that plans to go past turn five will want this guy. He works best with Mage, Rogue, and Druid, as they are the classes that benefit from spellpower the most commonly.

One: Sludge Belcher

Once again, our top pick is a surprise to very few. Sludge Belcher is alongside Piloted Shredder in terms of his strength and infamy. He provides a total of a 4/7 statline for only five mana, all of it with taunt, and split between two bodies so it cannot be easily removed. He is the perfect answer to your opponent’s board full of minions, or the perfect card to protect your own board. Even if your opponent has a massive board full of large minions, Sludge Belcher is the way to slow the push. He’s also extremely resilient to removal, as it requires a fairly expensive card to remove his main body, and he leaves another one behind.

Sludge Belcher is good in every type of deck. He’s very similar to Piloted Shredder in this way as well. Even fast decks will happily take a Sludge Belcher, because of the protection it offers to their smaller creatures. Every class benefits from Sludge Belcher, and every type of deck wants him, making him our number one pick.

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Stephen Draper


Stephen has a degree in English from Brock University. He grew up playing video games and card games, always having an affection for strategy. He picked up League of Legends in early Season One and has since achieved Diamond rank multiple times. He also picked up Hearthstone in Beta and has since achieved Legend consistently. When he isn’t reading, writing, or gaming, he’s probably watching other people game.