
Top 5 Worst Legendaries from the Old Gods


As a follow up to the Top Five Legendaries of Old Gods, let’s take a look at some of the worst legendaries. Many of these were expected, but a few are surprising. Many of these are ones that simply don’t fit into a deck yet, while some are simply so bad that they should never have been printed. The worst card here may actually be the worst Legendary in all of Hearthstone!

5. Cho’Gall

When Cho’Gall was announced, I thought he would be really good. Imagine pairing him with Siphon Soul, a three health assassinate sounds pretty good! However, with Antique Healbots being out of Standard, Cho’Gall represents more of a threat than a bonus, particularly in light of the Molten Giant nerf making them unplayable, meaning lower health is rarely good. The other problem is that Renolock seems to be the only place Cho’Gall fits, and currently Renolock isn’t a thing. Zoolock is the only viable form of Warlock at the moment, and Cho’Gall is beyond bad there. However, if more control cards or healing cards get released down the line, I would fully expect Cho’Gall to see some play, in some form.

4. Herald Volazj

Herald Volazj was another card I was excited about, but simply didn’t pan out. The idea behind this card is unique and fun, but it’s also incredibly difficult to pull off anything useful. In order to get any real value off of Herald you need to copy something valuable like Sylvanas, Cairne, or Ragnaros. However, all of those have high mana costs, as does Herald, making combining them difficult. In addition, there are currently very few Control Priest archetypes, as they cycle between C’Thun Priest and Dragon Priest. Neither of which finds a place for Herald. Not to say that this is an awful card, it certainly has some interesting potential, but it’s not competitive in any sense. Perhaps down the line we’ll see a new Lightbomb style card that resurrects Control Priest, and Herald can potentially fill in some missing gaps then.

3. Nat, the Darkfisher

I don’t think too many people were under many illusions regarding Nat being good or not. There was a decent amount of talk about him filling in Mill decks, or maybe even some control lists. However, as it turns out, simply making your opponent draw cards often loses you the game. In Mill decks it only works against incredibly slow opponents, or else you’re just giving them more ammunition to fire at you. In control decks, any advantage you gain from having a 2/4 body (which isn’t much better than average, and doesn’t have a good ability to compliment it) is lost if you give them a card. You run a 75% chance of giving them at least one card over the expected two turns Nat is alive. There’s very little chance that the value you gain will be worth the full card you give them. Nat will always be a fun card to play around with, but I feel that he will be a disappointing random Legendary more than anything.

2. Anomalus

In my eyes, Anomalus is awful. Watching many professionals reviewing the cards as they were released, many of them tried to find situations in which this card was good, but simply trailed off by saying it was an awful card, which is my feeling as well. It has awful stats for its cost, and its cost is extremely high, meaning it can’t be used alongside anything else, such as Frost Nova. In many cases your opponent will choose when the Deathrattle goes off, so they are able to not only mitigate their losses, but respond first as well. And it doesn’t even have taunt. This is a Chillmaw on steroids, but somehow worse in almost every way. And Chillmaw doesn’t even see a lot of play. The only redeeming feature I see for Anomalus is some interesting random legendary abilities summoning him can possibly create some fun situations.

1. The Boogeymonster!

If you’ve been following Hearthstone for the past two months, seeing The Boogeymonster as the worst legendary is no surprise. This card has no redeeming features. He has awful stats, his ability only triggers when he attacks so he’s easy to kill, and his mana cost is so incredibly high that you’ll lose the turn you play him. Unless your goal is to kill your opponent through him laughing too hard at you actually playing The Boogeymonster. When he was revealed some people tried to come up with ways he could be better as more cards were revealed. One of my favourite ideas was a cleave type ability, like Foe Reaper’s. But no, nothing came out to redeem him, The Boogeymonster is still awful. Not only is he the worst legendary from Whispers of the Old Gods, The Boogeymonster makes a strong play for worst legendary in Hearthstone period. Many of the other worst legendaries at least create interesting situations when they are played – such as Lorewalker Cho. The Boogeymonster is just a big, boring, awful card.

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Stephen Draper


Stephen has a degree in English from Brock University. He grew up playing video games and card games, always having an affection for strategy. He picked up League of Legends in early Season One and has since achieved Diamond rank multiple times. He also picked up Hearthstone in Beta and has since achieved Legend consistently. When he isn’t reading, writing, or gaming, he’s probably watching other people game.