
The 5 Worst Hearthstone Legendary Cards


Legendary cards in Hearthstone are generally pretty powerful. However, some of them just don’t live up to the expectations.

5. Hemet Nesingwary

Weighing in at 5 mana, Hemet Nesingwary has a pretty horrible stat distribution. 6/3 leads him to be killed by most 2 cost and above minions easily as well as leaving him weak to the majority of removal spells in the game. To sum things up, this wimpy minion has an effect that doesn’t do much. Beasts are not a common archetype in Hearthstone.

4. Lorewalker Cho

While it seems like Cho is good, the only thing he is really good at is starring in crazy combo videos that let people deal thousands of damage in a turn. For a 2 cost minion, Cho is pretty horrible. He has no attack stat, so he is only useful for his ability. However, this often slows both players down, and your opponent can easily kill Cho in two turns, as the average 2 cost minion has an attack of 2 or 3.

3. Majordomo Executus

For a 9 cost minion, Majordomo is a horrible card. It has no immediate effect on the game state, and compared to other 9 cost cards like Ysera and Nefarian, Majordomo just fails to make a difference. Add to that, when its death rattle activates, that your hero will be replaced with an 8 health hero, which means that in almost every situation, you will be losing health and will end up at a disadvantage.

2. Acidmaw

While Acidmaw has an interesting effect, it’s a horrible card. Right off the bat, its stats are horrible for its cost, and it can easily be killed on your opponents turn before you really have a chance to use it. Hunter cannot deal small amounts of damage to many creatures except with Unleash the Hounds or Explosive Trap. In essence, this creature paints a big target on all your other creatures for the mage’s hero power.

1. Millhouse Manastorm

Ah, Millhouse Manastorm. The card that wins games for those who mulligan high. If you have never seen this card in action, that means your opponents are intelligent. Millhouse is responsible for too many lost games across Hearthstone due to giving your opponents free cards to play. If you don’t think it’s that bad, it’s that bad.

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Andrey Sanin


Having played Magic for 10+ years and been around Hearthstone since beta, I've been around various card games for a while now. I love Blizzard games and spend most of my gaming time playing them, but well polished indie games also bite chunks into my time. Follow me on Twitter: @wordoverload