
Take Care of Your Teammates: Are You Crossing the Line?


It’s easy to forget that you’re playing with real people sometimes. If you’re mad or frustrated at your teammates, nobody can stop you from expressing that. But there’s a big difference between insulting someone’s in-game abilities and insulting them as a human being.

We think it’s a better idea to stick with the first one.

You wouldn’t walk up to a complete stranger on the street and tell them to kill themselves, would you? This isn’t about “hurt feelings,” “being a pussy,” or “being a SJW.” It’s about common decency.

You don’t have to be a ray of sunshine when you’re playing a multiplayer game. You don’t have to coddle people, or tell them they’re amazing when they really just suck ass. All you have to do is take care of your teammates.

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Take care of your teammates.

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J.P. Corner


J.P. Corner is Esports Edition's Executive Editor. He was introduced to the wonderful world of esports by his older brother in mid-2014, and has a degree in Literature from Bard College. You can contact him via Twitter at @jpcornerGG.