League of Legends

Top 5 Top-Laners in League of Legends – Patch 5.13


5. Riven

Riven is a very mobile top-laner that has a high snowball potential. She has low cooldowns, and is a very strong duelist. Riven can flash onto carries to eliminate them from teamfights and can easily carry a team. Riven can be played at all levels but to master her takes a lot of practice.

4. Hecarim

Hecarim is a strong top-laner that has great base damage and is great at split pushing. Hecarim is hard to gank due to his movement speed build, he can easily build against his laner and can snowball very fast. Hecarim is known for his teleport ganks, which forces the enemies to spend gold on vision. Hecarim is extremely good against melee / AD champions and has a great early and mid game. Hecarim is fairly easy to play once you know how to build him.

3. Rumble

Rumble has great base damage and is a fairly tanky top-laner. Rumble has good follow up and lots of AOE damage. He is an AP Tank Mage and has great zoning with his ultimate. If you can avoid overheating you should be well on your way to becoming a great Rumble player.

2. Irelia

Irelia has good mobility and cc. She is a great split pusher and excels in the mid game. Irelia can carry games since she snowballs so good and has loads of true damage. She is weak in the early game so if you can last past the early laning phase you should be fine throughout the rest of the game. Irelia isn’t too hard, but can use practice in order to master her mechanics, making her one of the strongest top-laners in the current patch!

1. Ryze

Ryze is one of the tankiest mages in the game. He scales very well and has snares, shields, and to top it off, he is ranged. Ryze is pretty simple to play, but is by far the most powerful top laner in 5.13. Once you know his combos, you’re well on your way to destroying your enemy.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.