League of Legends

Top 5 Strongest Mid-Laners in League of Legends – Patch 5.11


5. Syndra

Syndra is capable of many things when it comes to team fights. She can stun, slow, and burst someone to death if they get too close. If you can farm up early game you are pretty much guaranteed a win in the late game. Syndra is able to deny turret dives by pushing the enemy away or stunning them under the tower. Syndra’s stun can also solo out an enemy carry during late game team fights.

Syndra is fairly easy to play and there are a few different ways you can play her. If you are more of a passive player, you can max your E to keep the enemy away and have a better shot at stunning them. If you like to play more aggressive, you can max your Q, which is what most people do. This allows you to deal more damage when engaging on the enemy. Syndra is pretty straight forward and can be built with ability power and partial tank. She is great for throwing off the others team’s positioning in team fights and can help single out enemies that stray too close. If you are looking for a slightly challenging, but fun mid-lane, Syndra is worth a try.

4. Ahri

Ahri is an ability powered champ that, with the right skill, is capable of singling out anyone on the enemy team. Her ultimate allows her to dash in and out of team fights and her charm can easily pick off anyone who comes near. Ahri takes a little bit of skill to play, but as long you get used to her ultimate and stay near the back of team fights, you should be fine.

Ahri doesn’t have a complicated combo. All you have to do is E,Q. It’s fairly simple, but can do massive amounts of damage to your enemy. It all depends on how farmed and fed you are. Just make sure to build against your laner in the early game because of Ahri’s squishy-ness. Her ultimate can take a bit of time to get used to but once you have mastered that, you are pretty much a pro. Ahri’s ultimate can be used to get into position quick in order to snag a kill, or get over walls during a chase. And what’s even better about her ultimate is that she gets three charges. Yes that’s right folks, you get three overpowered, unfair dashes that can get you across half of the jungle in just seconds.

So if you are looking for a fun and overpowered mid-laner, Ahri just may just be for you. Just make sure to farm up early in the game, so you are able to get more damage out in the later game!

3. Katarina

Katarina is one of the most powerful champs in the game. She doesn’t take too much skill to play because whenever you kill someone all your abilities reset. Her ultimate can kill a whole team and all you have to do is stand still. Katarina has been nerfed a few times now but no matter how many times she gets nerfed, she will still have her advantages.

Builds for katarina are pretty much the same as LeBlanc. A little bit against your laner and the rest full ability power. Maybe add in a little bit of health here and there. Other than that you can’t really go wrong with Katarina. She is really easy to play, just don’t get caught without your shunpo because it is your only means of escape unless you kill somebody and all your abilities reset (which by the way is the most unfair thing in the whole game)…

So stay safe in the early game and only go in when you are confident enough that you can win the fight. You should also be safe to go in if you’re a jungler or the rest of your team is there to help you out.

2. LeBlanc

LeBlanc is the queen of jukes. Her distortion ability allows to her to poke her enemy and move around so that nobody can target her. It makes her very hard to catch if you can play her right. LeBlanc can become very powerful late game if you are able to snowball early game. If you build her right and have enough ability power, you can one-shot someone on the enemy team with your Q,W combo.

Early game take Q first and use it to poke the enemy down. When your Q is active on the enemy your basic attacks do more damage. Once you think you have poked them down far enough, you should be able to Q,W them and maybe get an ignite in. It depends on how much ability power you have when you are engaging in the early game. The more the better!

As far as builds go with LeBlanc, just be sure to build a little bit against your laner and the enemy carry because LeBlanc is pretty squishy. Other than that, you should pretty much just max out ability power. When laning early in the game, be sure to stay at a safe range from the enemy because that is when you are most squishy and easy to kill.

1. Zed

Zed is a very powerful assassin that can manipulate a whole team. With his shadows and ult, his enemies will never be able to catch him. Zed is a very fun champion to play if you know his proper combo. Zed’s ultimate allows him to quickly engage an enemy behind their lines and then get out just before they can kill him. If you are interested in learning how to play Zed, you must first learn his ultimate combo.

You start your combo off by using your ultimate on the enemy. Make sure that all your other moves are up before engaging so you are able to get the maximum amount of damage off. Once you have ulted you must shoot your shadow away from the enemy then toggle it again to go to it. Once you have done that you can shoot your shurikens towards the enemy and use shadow slash if the enemy is in range of your shadows. After that, use basic attacks on the enemy while they’re still within range and any of your items that do extra damage such as Blade of the Ruined King or Ravenous Hydra. After that combo, the enemy should die. Just this combo alone makes Zed one of the strongest champions in the game.

Make sure to only use your shadows in your combo if you know that you can kill them. Otherwise the enemy will survive and you now have no way to escape. If you are fed enough you may not even need to use your shadows in your combo to kill somebody. If you can manage this basic combo with Zed, you should be able to win most of your games. Just practice landing those skill shots and you’re well on your way!

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.