League of Legends

Top 5 Most Entertaining LoL Streamers – 2015


5. Cowsep

Cowsep is one of the many Twitch streamers who likes to dress up while he plays. Cowsep wears a cow hat the whole time he is streaming and even has a system set up to gain cow points, trophies, and awards. Cowsep plays on both the North American server and the Korean server, which allows his gameplay to stay interesting at all times. He mains Master Yi, which is very interesting to watch, especially in ranked games. You never know what you are going to be watching when you tune in!

4. Nightblue3

Nightblue3 is one of the top League of Legends streamers on Twitch and is known for his jungle gameplay. Nightblue3 is great at explaining his plays and moves when in game, which makes him easier to understand. You can learn a lot while watching his stream and he has recently starting training people, taking them from low ranks to higher ones. Of course there is a fee that comes with that but he is pretty interesting to listen to as he teaches other players.

3. UberDanger

UberDanger made this list mainly because of his attitude. His odd sense of humour will keep all of his viewers glued to his stream. UberDanger is one of the highest ranked non-professional streamers on Twitch at the moment, which makes his gameplay interesting and different from many of the other streamers. Not only is his twitch interesting to watch but he also has over 800,000 subscribers on youtube.

2. TheOddOne

TheOddOne is definitely one of the most entertaining streamers, not only because of his content but also because of how he listens to his subscribers and followers and always makes sure to explain his gameplay. TheOddOne has had experience with many professional League Of Legends players, which allows him to share smart strategies and tricks with his viewers.

1. Nicktron

Nicktron is one of the funnier streamers to watch, whether he’s being trolled by donors or just crying because his team is feeding too much. Although Nicktron is not one of the most skilled streamers, his cheesy accent and messy makeup makes him one of the most entertaining to watch. He is sure to make you laugh every time you tune in.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.