Dota 2

Top 5 Strongest Carries in Dota 2 – 2014/15


5. Chaos Knight

Chaos Knight is a useful ganker and semi-carry. Chaos Knight is great in the early game due to how strong he can become by farming up and constantly ganking multiple lanes. He has one of the highest physical damage outputs in the whole game making him a very strong pick in a team composition. Chaos Knight is able to summon other copies of him that have a chance of dealing full damage. He also has a stun which makes it very hard for enemies to escape him once he has caught up. If Chaos Knight’s moves are used correctly, you are well on your way to snowballing yourself to a win every time you play him.

4. Meepo

Meepo is a very interesting carry. His moves allow him to pin down enemies and quickly burst them down. Not only can he stop enemies from getting away, he is also able to make a clone of himself that can farm and gain experience for him. Meepo is a good early game hero because he is very strong when it comes to farming. He can also enchant his axe to slow enemies and deal more damage per second. Meepo is an easy hero to play and can be built to suit anyone’s playing style.

3. Spectre

Spectre is a intimidating hero. She is a tanky champ that can leave a mark in team fights. Spectre’s dispersion allows her to deal damage to enemies around her if she takes damage. If Spectre is built tanky she will do additional damage in team fights.

2. Medusa

Medusa is a late game tank that can snowball early game and become very helpful in teamfights. Her splitshot can hit and damage all enemies during a fight, which helps to burst down the entire enemy team. If you build her right (tanky and damage) she is almost unkillable during late game. As long as your team can withstand the early and mid game, you will be on your way to finishing off the opposing team in late.

1. Sven

Sven is a very strong carry that can win plenty of games for you if you know how to play him right. Sven is very efficient at farming, which allows you to get a head start on the enemies in the early game. Once you build some of the necessary items like Black King Bar and Daedalus, your crits will start to kick in allowing you to burst your enemy down in no time. It’s also a good idea to build boots for mobility so your enemies can’t escape. So Sven takes it home for being one of the strongest carries in the game!

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.