
Devil of the Jungle: Teemo

Every once in a while on reddit, we see the re-emergence of a high-elo Teemo jungle ask-me-anything (AMA). Most recently, the infamous Hikashikun reached masters in season 6, sharing his achievements in this thread. Despite the unique and seemingly...

Why You Should Keep Your Wild Cards

The Situation With the release of the Standard format, a lot of people have been talking about how useless their Wild cards (cards not currently in the Standard format) are going to be. Many of them are very upset about...

Fiora: Top Lane Queen of the North American LCS

Prelude Coming out of the 2015 League of Legends World Championship, Fiora was undoubtedly noted as one of the powerhouse champions to fear for the new year. Despite her prominence at Worlds, featured at the pinnacle of play in the...
Aggro Druid has returned in Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion. It's fast, flexible, and fun deck that's good in most matchups.

Hearthstone Unconventional Decks Pt. 3: Egg Druid

There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing the ranks. But this series isn’t about that. Here we’re going to go into some...

Fathead 5 Guide: Champions Anyone Can Climb Solo Queue With

As the 2016 ranked season approaches, everyone's looking for ways to elevate their game to the next level. But what if I told you that you could be a Challenger player with Silver mechanics? These champions will enable you...

Unconventional Decks Pt. 2: Murloc Paladin

There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing the ranks. But this series isn’t about that. Here we’re going to go into some...

League Terms Every Player Should Know

Right now, there are official game terms, like turret and creep score, and unofficial ones. These were created by the community and have gotten so big they have become a part of League of Legends. Some have been inspired...
Photo taken from the crowd at Worlds 2015.

A Beginner’s Guide to Competitive League of Legends

This beginner's guide should serve as a cheat sheet for friends and family wondering what esports is and why it's worth watching. In this article, you'll learn the basics of competitive League of Legends, including how the game is played, the...

Control Decks in Hearthstone: The 30 Minute Game

Anyone who's played Hearthstone can tell you about THAT game. The game in which they faced the against the Fatigue Warrior deck that ended up winning a 30 minute long game of Hearthstone. Although it seems annoying to play a...

Dreadsteed – Unconventional Decks Part One

There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing the ranks. But this series isn’t about that. Here we’re going to go into some...

Brann Bronzebeard: Exploring Mill Decks

Brann Bronzebeard opens up many new possibilities for deck building, but he also adds new utility to the Mill Rogue deck. Mill Rogue focuses on using Coldlight Oracle with cards such as Shadowstep and Gang Up to Force the opponent...

Malygos Warlock Guide

With TGT, Dragon decks became a big thing. Dragon Priest dominated the scene for a while, and the synergies that the dragons provided made the deck wildly popular and successful. Dragon Warlock was always a second class deck to...