
Why You Should Keep Your Wild Cards

The Situation With the release of the Standard format, a lot of people have been talking about how useless their Wild cards (cards not currently in the Standard format) are going to be. Many of them are very upset about...

What Do Viewers Want to See in a Caster or a Panelist?

While there are a handful of things that viewers can agree on in regard to what they like in casters, individual preferences vary widely. I've focused on Dota 2 casters as it's more or less what I'm familiar with,...

Marksman or ADC: The Best Options

I've covered all the roles, except for one. Marksman (as Riot wants us to call them) are now the main focus of the meta. Most LCS compositions have two or three AD carries, with only one going bottom lane....

Supports on Parade: LCS Picks

A good support can carry a game, no matter what your silver friend says. They are the glue that keeps a team from falling apart at the seams. In Season 5, roaming supports became a necessity. With tower...

Fiora: Top Lane Queen of the North American LCS

Prelude Coming out of the 2015 League of Legends World Championship, Fiora was undoubtedly noted as one of the powerhouse champions to fear for the new year. Despite her prominence at Worlds, featured at the pinnacle of play in the...

Welcome to the Jungle, Season 6 Edition

As I continue my romp down the League of Legends meta, I find myself encountering something odd. The jungle, a place full of tanks and brutes now has guns and missiles swinging from the tree vines. Season 6 brought...

MarsTV Dota League and the Offlane Meta in Patch 6.86

MarsTV Dota League - EHOME's Rise Continues EHOME reformed during 2015 and currently includes four players who are relatively new to the professional level.  The team is captained by veteran Zhang "LaNm" Zhicheng. Under LaNm's guidance, EHOME has been placing...
Best Mid Lane Champions Season 6

League of Legends: Best Mid Lane Champions of Season 6

We are now a few weeks into Season 6, and we are starting to see how the meta is taking shape. AD items have been buffed and marksmen have been reworked, making them extremely popular. Now that squishy ADCs...

New Money – Monopolizing or Professionalizing Esports

This is the third and final installment for the Monopolizing or Professionalizing series. If you have not already checked out the first article or second article you can do so at the following links, article 1; article 2. The last...
Echo Fox vs. CLG - NA LCS

The Fox in the Hole: Echo Fox vs. Counter Logic Gaming

  Where is Echo Fox? Echo Fox is in major trouble. After today, they have one win with four losses, putting them at the bottom of the LCS standings. What exactly is going wrong here? At the beginning the team looked...

Captains Draft 3.0 Tournament and Alternate Gameplay Modes

Bored of watching regular old Captains Mode matches? Tired of watching your teammates fail miserably as Jungle Legion Commander in ranked? Check out DotaCinema's Captains Draft 3.0 tournament vods and some of the alternate gameplay modes available in Unranked. Captains...

Riot’s Rules – Monopolizing or Professionalizing Esports

  If you did not read the article on the proposed changes be sure to check it out here. This will catch you up on some of information that was addressed in a previous article. So far we have...