Overwatch esports still isn't attracting viewers the way many expected it to. What can Blizzard do to fix this?

Why Overwatch Esports (Still) Sucks

Despite the commercial and critical success of Overwatch, the game's professional scene has still failed to attract a following. Blizzard hosted the Overwatch World Cup at Blizzcon this year, but viewership of the tournament was, for the most part,...
Modern gamers sure do have it rough.

The Plight of the Modern Gamer

It's winter now, but memories of a hot summer day come back to me. I sit in my room, playing games with some buddies. The thermostat on my wall reads 30 degrees. (That's 86 degrees Fahrenheit.) I look at...
These are our favorite AFK builds in Path of Exile: AFK Balls, Scorching Ray Blocker, and Golemancer.

The Best AFK Builds in Path of Exile

We know how weird that sounds. AFK builds? What are they, bots? No, but in Path of Exile, you can set yourself up to become virtually invincible with the right items/stats/skills. Some of these builds also deal damage back...
Dungeon Run - Kobolds and Catacombs

Kobolds and Catacombs: What Is Dungeon Run?

Dungeon Run is a new single player Hearthstone mode set to release as part of the upcoming expansion, Kobolds and Catacombs. Some lucky players at Blizzcon were able to play a slightly edited version of it. Similar to the...
Ten Things You Can Buy Instead of Buying a High MMR Dota 2 Account

Dota 2: Ten Things You Can Buy Instead of an Account

With the advent of matchmaking seasons, bought accounts will be reset at the end of each season, making them slightly less valuable. But this 5K account just sold for $60USD on eBay, and there will likely always be a...
Hearthstone's upcoming expansion, Kobolds and Catacombs, includes new class weapons, a random legendary, and an all-new single player experience.

First Look at Hearthstone’s Kobolds and Catacombs Expansion

It’s that time again. The next Hearthstone expansion, Kobolds and Catacombs, will be launching in early December, and November is the official reveal month. Let's start taking a look at the new cards, solo player content, and bonuses that...
Worlds 2017 Finals - Samsung vs. SKT

Worlds 2017 Grand Finals Analysis: How Did Samsung 3-0 SKT?

In a rematch of last year's championship, SK Telecom T1 and Samsung Galaxy faced off in the Grand Finals at Worlds 2017. The series ended in a stunning upset, with Samsung taking a clean 3-0 victory against SKT. If you...
GGG has launched an official Path of Exile trading site. What does this mean for third-party trading hubs like poe.trade?

GGG Launches Official Path of Exile Trading Site

Path of Exile's trading system definitely isn't perfect. Currently, players trade in-game items is through third-party sites. Grinding Gear Games (GGG), Path of Exile’s developer, was nice enough to open up their API to the public—this means sites like...
Joseph Schmidt - Esports Writer

Staff Writer Spotlight: A Snapshot of Joseph Schmidt

It all started at an arcade in Lake George, New York. I was too little to play the pinball machines, but my Mom would pick me up so I could see the flashing lights and pull the plunger. Once the ball...
Mercedes Benz E-Class Sedan Advertisement

Mercedes-Benz and the Rise of Covert Corporate Memes

If you visited the Dota subreddit last week, you were likely confronted with a front page dominated by a near-endless stream of Mercedes-Benz memes. This sampling of posts and comments should give you an idea of how pervasive the...
Gillian "Kendryx_" Linscott at PAX East

Staff Writer Spotlight: Gillian’s Esports Story

From the moment my brother and I unboxed our SNES, I've always loved playing video games. While my brother enjoyed fighting games, I preferred games where I had the ability to choose my own path and do whatever I...
KittenCatNoodle Banner

Interview with Path of Exile Streamer KittenCatNoodle

KittenCatNoodle recently became a full-time Twitch streamer, and mostly plays Path of Exile. We sat down for an interview with her and chatted about her streaming career, Path of Exile, and her hopes for the future of the game. You...