The State of Worlds – Week Two

The second week of Worlds 2015 had some unsurprising differences in champion selection. The top five champions remain dominant, although how powerful each one is has been brought into question by their varying appearances this week. There were some...

Farewell to Grim Patron

Recently, I wrote about the Grim Patron deck and how it was a negative influence on Hearthstone. Well, after much griping from the community, Blizzard did something. Congratulations all, Blizzard finally responded! Throughout its history, Hearthstone has very rarely had...

BlizzCon Reveal: What’s next for Hearthstone?

Blizzard is usually pretty secretive about projects they work on right up until they are ready to tell us about them. This year, some new information has made its way out there that at BlizzCon, Blizzard will be hosting...

Why I Love Arena (and You Should Too!)

Hearthstone is one of the most popular video games in the world. But what is it that keeps people coming back to play nearly every day? The random factor. From pulling cards from packs to cards involving RNG, Hearthstone keeps...

Group B: FNC and AHQ Head to Quarterfinals

Full of heartbreak, upsets and success stories, Group B ended up being an emotional roller coaster for many fans. North America's last hope, Cloud 9, fell from what seemed to be an easy ticket to the Quarter finals and...

Group B Finishes Upside Down

Before week one of the Group Stages we looked at the teams of Group B and asked ourselves who of Fnatic, AHQ and Invictus Gaming would end up on top. Concluding week one it was very clear we were...

Tigers and Wolves Claw Their Way out of Group A

At the close of last week, Group A was playing out much like many fans had hoped. Aside from a couple of upsets from Pain Gaming and the Yoe Flash Wolves, the North American number 1 seed Counter Logic...

The State of Worlds – Week One

In the first week of Worlds 2015, more champions have been seen than in the entirety of Worlds 2014. But several champs have been cropping up repeatedly. With our predictions of the Juggernauts being dominant in mind, let’s delve...

Why Do We Need to Regulate Hearthstone Tournaments?

During the Hearthstone World Cup Asia finals, several games were arbitrarily restarted by management due to players being able to see each other's hands, despite the players stating that they would rather continue the game despite the disadvantage the...

Brewing with Dragons

This week, I've been putting a bunch of time into playing around with dragons in all classes in the post-TGT format. TGT added a few new dragons to the mix: Twilight Dragon, a 3/6 Taunt for 4 Mana with a...

Was Inspire a Successful Mechanic?

With their most recent set, The Grand Tournament, Blizzard released a new Hearthstone mechanic: Inspire. Inspire is a mechanic that does something when you use your hero power. As soon as inspire was announced concerns began to circle about...

So I Heard You like Giants?

Giants are fun, aren’t they? Hearthstone has some pretty amazing giants, and what is better than dropping four giants in a single turn? You’re probably thinking “a handlock guide, eh?” NOPE! This here is an Echo Mage guide. Introduction You may...