League of Legends

Top 5 Limited Time Game Modes in League of Legends – 2015


5. Showdown

Showdown was and still is the only true 1v1 or 2v2 game mode. This game mode takes place on the Howling Abyss and randomly matches you with another player. The neat thing about this mode is that there is more than one way to win. You can win by either getting 100 CS, first blood, or first tower; whichever one comes first. You can also pretty much just pair up with
some friends in a custom game to recreate this game mode but at least Riot tried. After all, it’s the effort that counts!

4. Nemesis Draft

In Nemesis Draft, each team picks the other’s champions. This is the game mode where most of the unpopular champions get played. Many players are forced to play someone who they wouldn’t usually, which sparks new meta. Nemesis Draft has given birth to many interesting and new team comps. What’s even better is the wombo combos you see when playing this game mode. The stuff you see is quite interesting…

3. One For All

One For All, or “Mirror Mode” was a game mode in which players would vote on a champion and the champion that was most voted for would be locked in for every player. Yes, every player. This game mode was very fun and players soon realized that the champions with cross map ultimates worked the best. There is nothing more satisfying than nuking the whole other team with 5 Ziggs ultimates! Or Jinx, Draven, Gangplank, Ezreal, Ashe… you get the point.

2. Hexakill

Although there isn’t much to Hexakill, it was a very interesting game mode that sparked many new strategies, lanes, and team comps. Hexakill is the only game mode Riot has released in which you are actually able to actually get a hexakill. There is nothing better than getting a hexakill and being able to brag to your friends about it. This game mode comes out around once a year or so for about a week so don’t miss it! Getting a hexakill is one of the most impressive things you can do in League of Legends.

1. Ultra Rapid Fire

How can anyone forget about Ultra Rapid Fire!? Ultra Rapid Fire, mainly referred to as “Urf,” has been one of Riot’s most popular limited time game modes they have ever released. The “Ultra Rapid Fire” game mode allows champions to have an automatic 80% cooldown reduction, no mana or energy costs, bonus gold income, attack speed, tenacity, and critical strike. This game mode was built for the pure enjoyment of the players. Ever since this mode was first released players have been begging for it to come back year, after year, after year.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.