League of Legends

Top 5 Junglers in League of Legends – Patch 5.11


5. Lee Sin

Lee Sin is a mobile assassin that can maneuver around enemies and control where they go. Lee Sin’s ability to ward jump makes it easy for him to get into position for his ultimate and to get around the jungle. Lee Sin’s ultimate is a kick that will send his enemies flying so he is able to dominate when ganking by kicking enemies out of their towers or even under your own.

Lee sin is another tank but can lean towards attack damage and still have a great outcome on a team. When playing Lee Sin make sure you buy a Ruby Sightstone because it gives you health and wards which will help you get around the jungle when using your ward jumping abilities. Lee sin is great at getting around so not getting boots isn’t a huge deal. You should be able to instead focus on building more damaging items such as a Ravenous Hydra, Trinity Force, and Black Cleaver. By getting a mix of tank and damage items, you will be on your way to many victories with this champion.

4. Sejuani

Sejuani is a tanky jungler that has potential for great mid game ganks. Sejuani has a slow and a stun that will ensure the enemy will not get away. Sejuani is able to clear the jungle fast in the early game and get into position for ganks easier because of her Arctic Assault, which can not only get over walls but also knock up and slow the enemy. If you are looking to get better in the jungle, Sejuani is a great pick. Her easy playstyle allows you to get comfortable in the jungle if you are a beginner.

Since Sejuani is mainly a tank you don’t have to worry about building too much ability power. Sejuani is very helpful in team fights for just stunning and slowing the enemies. Since you will want to build mainly tank, I would reccomend build an Abyssal Scepter and a Rod of Ages. By building those two items you are able to have a decent amount of ability power, and health. After those two items are built you can start to lean towards more tanky items like a Frozen Heart or Randuin’s Omen…unless you really need the extra damage, in which you could build a Liandry’s Torment or a Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.

3. Vi

Vi is a tanky bruiser that is slightly mobile and can take early control of a game. Vi’s ultimate targets an enemy, knocks them up and then slams them down. She is very strong in the jungle because of vault breaker and once you max it out, ganks will go by very quick. Vault breaker also works on towers, so planning out your ganks when the opposing minions are on their tower will result in some extra tower push.

Vi is a bruiser, allowing her to put out damage while staying very strong. She is a little mana dependant in the early game but that wears off as you move into the later game. A few good things to build are a Randuin’s Omen and a Trinity Force. By getting those two items you are able to last longer in team fights, and, put out a decent amount of damage while still maintaining a mass amount of your mana. If you are looking for a fun jungler to try out I would highly recommend Vi!

2. Rek’Sai

Rek’Sai is one of the most mobile champs in the game, which makes her very good in the jungle. Her tunneling allows her to get anywhere on the map a lot faster than any other champion. Rek’Sai dominates in the early to mid game because her ganks are strong due to her ability to get around quick and pop out of nowhere. Although he is sort of complicated, once you get used to her, she is very powerful.

When playing Rek’Sai make sure you get your tunnels out across the map. You want as many as you can get and it isn’t bad to have a few in a line. This allows you to get around very fast even without your ultimate. Build wise, you will want to build mainly tanky. Randuin’s Omen and Spirit Visage are two useful items to start getting buff, but make sure to also build damage based items such as a Ravenous Hydra and a Bloodthirster or Frozen Mallet, depending on how the game is unfolding.

1. Jarvan

Jarvan is one of the best junglers at the moment. He is great for early game ganks and for initiating fights. His ultimate allows you to focus on one enemy while blocking out others. Jarvan is a very mobile champion. His flag and drag allows him to get over walls, which can help him get into and out of fights. He is a very mobile champ and is a great choice if you are looking to get started in the jungle.

When jungling with Jarvan you will want to build mainly tanky to help out your team as much as possible. However,  you will want to build at least one damage item, possibly even two (depending on how your team is doing) if you want to stay in control and contribute to kills in the later game. When playing remember if you are going to ult (cataclysm), you want to make sure your team has enough room to get in, otherwise you will just block them out. Your best bet is to use your E, Q combo until you know the enemy doesn’t have an escape from your ultimate.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.