5. Tristana
Coming in at number five is Tristana. Tristana has a great all-in early game, a strong late game, and is great at pushing lane. Her Rocket Jump allows her to get out of ganks and jump into fights as well.
4. Sivir
Sivir is great at pushing lane, kiting, and is powerful when behind or ahead of the enemies. Her ultimate is great for initiating fights, and she has very good poke.
3. Vayne
Vayne is great against tanky champions and she has great potential for split pushing. She has a strong late game and is very hard to kill with stealth and tumble. Vayne has loads of true damage and has very good 1v1 potential, but she can sometimes have a weak laning phase which can put her behind.
2. Kalista
Kalista has high chase potential, a strong mid game, and is very good at kiting. Her ultimate can be very good for either initiating fights or save her support from sticky situations.
1. Mordekaiser
Coming in at number one is Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser has great sustain, good base damage, and great objective control. He has a weak early game, but once he hits level six he can easily win lane. Mord is hard to learn at first, but can be perfected with lots of practice.