League of Legends

Top 5 AD Carries in League of Legends – Patch 5.11


5. Ezreal

Ezreal is a very mobile AD Carry that can snowball himself very easily. His ability to get over wall and pretty much teleport anywhere within a few meters is very helpful when chasing enemies down in the jungle or even just getting into position for a kill in lane. Ezreal is very easy to play and he can be built for either attack damage or ability power, which can be helpful for putting together stronger team compositions.

When playing Ezreal, make sure to get as many Q’s out as possible. The more skillshots you land, the faster your ultimate comes off cooldown. Since Ezreal is very mobile, you are able to play aggressively in the early game because of his ability to escape so fast. If you are facing enemies without your teammates remember it is still possible to hold off. By firing off your Q and W over and over again your ultimate will be on less than a minute cooldown which can help to push out minion waves fast instead of always shooting it at an enemy.

4. Kog’Maw

Kog’Maw is a strong and powerful mid and late game champion. If you can farm up well enough and get a lead on your laners, there is no doubt you can turn any game into a win. Kog’Maw has a slow that buffs him, which can be very helpful if you are chasing down an enemy that is running low on health. Kog’Maw is very strong in the early game because of his moves that have a massive impact on the damage of his basic attacks.

If you are playing Kog’Maw remember to bully your laner around early game because of the damage you are able to put out. You should still try to be careful though, as Kog’Maw is very squishy. Make sure you hit your laner from around max range because once you are on cooldown they are likely to engage you. As long as you find the right balance between attacking and backing off, you will have a very fun time playing this champion.

3. Corki

Corki has been a very strong AD Carry for a while now. His phosphorus bomb and gattling gun work great for clearing waves and he is really easy to last hits with. Corki is very strong early and mid game. If you can get ahead in the early game with a few kills, you will definitely be able to snowball yourself into the late game. It is important to build critical strike chance so that you can blast down enemy carries during the late game.

If you are new to Corki you must remember that your phosphorus bomb does not only damage but can also provide vision if shot into brush or over a wall. Corki is a decently mobile champion because of his valkyrie, but remember that it has a longer cooldown so it can be used to get in a fight, or out of one, but not likely both. Corki is very strong mid game so I would recommend playing quite aggressive as you can afford too since of Corki’s high damage output at a low level. Along with his support, Corki should be able to dominate the early game if played smart.

2. Graves

Graves does not take much skill to play. After all, he is a point and click champion. But don’t let that get in the way because he is one of the strongest AD Carries in the game at the moment. Graves is a great champion for farming because of his buckshot, which can pretty much take out a whole minion wave around mid game. Graves has great tower push and the right combination bottom lane will result in many wins.

If you are interested in getting Graves you must remember, his passive allows him to become tanky so don’t be afraid to play aggressively. The right build can result in a lot of damage. Try building important items such as a Static Shiv and a Bloodthirster. Never underestimate your E, it can be used to initiate fights but is better saved just in case you need to get out of or away from one. Graves puts out a lot of damage so be sure to use it and try to land as many buckshots as you can!

1. Jinx

Jinx can take a bit of getting used to with her switcheroo, but if you can manage to figure that out then you are well on your way. Jinx is a very powerful attack carry that can snowball very hard early in the game if you can play aggressively with your support. Her snares and rockets allow for a very strong early game that allow her to farm up without having to worry about the enemies getting close. And what makes this champion even better is her cross map ultimate. There is nothing more satisfying than getting a cross map kill or dragon steal. If
you are thinking about trying out Jinx or even maining her, there are a few things you need to remember. First, your rockets are meant for clearing a wave of farm quickly and bursting down an enemy. While her machine gun is meant for towers or early game farming.

It is important to practice farming with Jinx, she is a very easy champion to farm with and there are actually right ways to do it. If your enemy is getting too close, switch to rockets when farming. The blast from the rockets hitting the minions will actually deal damage to your enemy if they are in range. Other than that, Jinx is a decently mobile champion and her chompers can be used to catch up to an enemy as well as get away from one!

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.