League of Legends

Top 10 NA LCS Players – Spring Split 2015


10. BunnyFuFuu

BunnyFuFuu plays support for Team Gravity. His champion pool is not very large but it’s filled with “goodies”. BunnyFuFuu mains Thresh, Janna, and Morgana, and is known for his Thresh plays while streaming and his Thresh play on Doublelift in the 2015 spring split. Near the beginning of the split Bunny wasn’t getting much attention but is now starting to make his rise, as well as the rest of Team Gravity.

9. XiaoWeiXiao

XiaoWeiXiao plays mid lane for TiP. XiaoWeiXiao has a unique playstyle and tends to be more of a late game player since most of his early game is spent farming to snowball him into the later game. XiaoWeiXiao has a very large and unique champion pool. His most played champions in his champion pool are Oriana, Vladmir, Kassadin, and Zed. XiaoWeiXiao set the world record for fastest to get to 300 minions in LPL history.

8. Lustboy

Lustboy plays support for TSM. Over the past few years he has played on many teams, including Maximum Impact Gaming Blitz, Azubu Blaze, and CJ Entus Blaze. Lustboy is one of the top supports in the NA LCS right now. He joined TSM in 2014 because the TSM didn’t feel they would do very well at worlds with Gleeb.

7. Dyrus

Dyrus is the top laner for TSM. He was born in Hawaii and is now living in the TSM household, which is located in California. Although Dyrus usually does the opposite of getting first blood, he is a very smart player. Dyrus has been to all four world championships and he plans to keep on going. Dyrus is a very strategic player. He enjoys playing tanky bruisers and works well to figure out what he is doing wrong if he makes a mistake. If Dyrus gets fed early game, late game can turn into a nightmare, which is why so many teams tend to focus on him in the early game. Dyrus has been on TSM for over four years and has the most experience out of all the LCS players.

6. Piglet

Piglet plays AD Carry for Team Liquid. The first LCS team Piglet played on was SKT T1, before joining Team Curse in 2013. Team Curse then re-branded to Team Liquid, which Piglet is still currently playing for. Piglet is known for his amazing mechanics with Vayne. His most played champs are Vayne, Caitlyn and Twitch. Piglet is very well known in Korea because of his appearance on SKT, where the team won worlds twice in a row. Piglet has learned a lot from playing in Korea and is really transitioning into the NA LCS where he is now beginning to come out on top.

5. Rush

Rush plays jungle for Team Impulse (TiP) and has been helping his team make a comeback since the beginning of the spring split. Rush is able to get his team’s laners fed by early game ganks. Rush is someone every team fears when they are playing against TiP and nobody forgets when he is lurking around the jungle somewhere waiting to attack. Before playing on TiP Rush played for LMQ. Rush’s recent jungle champion pool has been Lee Sin, Vi and Rek’Sai. Rush is known for his Lee Sin plays, his ability to target an enemy carry well in a team fight and his great decision making that can turn any game around.

4. WildTurtle

WildTurtle is currently playing for TSM as AD Carry. Although he is said to be leaving TSM he is still one of the higher skilled AD carries. WildTurtle grew up in Toronto and attended the University of Toronto. He has played for many LCS teams including Forty Bus Gaming, Monomaniac eSports, Kill Steal Gaming, Orbit Gaming, Quantic Gaming and Cloud 9.

WildTurtle is a fairly aggressive AD Carry and somehow always ends up with a load of kills. WildTurtle is very good at snowballing himself if he is a bit behind. He is very good at farming, especially under pressure, which helps him to gain a lead against his laner. WildTurtle’s recent champion playstyle has been Jinx, Sivir, Corki, and Caitlyn.

3. Doublelift

Doublelift has been around for a long time now. He started off playing for Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) but then transferred to Epik Gamer early in 2011. In July that year Doublelift then transferred to unRestricted eSports and then a few months later back to CLG. Doublelift plays bot lane with Aphromoo as support. He mains Jinx, Vayne, Lucian, Ezreal, and Kalista. Doublelift’s positioning and skillshots are always on point, which allows him to win his lane over and over and over again throughout the LCS.

2. Sneaky

Sneaky plays AD carry for Cloud 9. He is the largest reason to why Cloud 9 did so well during the spring split. He grew up in Florida and is now living in California with the rest of the team. Sneaky has been very beneficial to Cloud 9 because of his ability to cope with LemonNation’s aggressive playstyle. Sneaky’s recent champion pool has been Lucian, Corki, Graves, Twitch and Kalista. During the spring split Sneaky was the KDA leader with a KDA of 7.7. Cloud 9 has been able to keep themselves on top for quite a while now and they are looking pretty good as the world championships approach.

1. Bjergsen

Many would agree Bjergsen is on the top of the pyramid in the NA LCS. He may not be considered a god yet, but he’s not far from it. Bjergsen plays mid lane for Team SoloMid (TSM) and mains champions such as Zed, Ahri, LeBlanc, Nidalee and can adapt to quite a few more.

During the spring split Bjergsen proved himself to be the top mid laner, and he almost never loses. TSM won the IEM tournament thanks to Bjergsen’s many leads on the other team’s mid laners and the group’s great teamwork. TSM is on top of the NA LCS right now and a major part of their success has been due to Bjergsen’s wonderful playmaking skills. Bjergsen is not originally
from North America – he was born in Sweden and came to play for TSM in November 2013. Bjergsen was the second player to transfer from EU to NA.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.