League of Legends

Top 10 League of Legends Skins – Patch 5.14


10. Arclight Vel’Koz

This skin pleased everybody when it came out, the yellow and the blue go so well together. The purple/pink default skin just can’t compare to this skin. What would be even better, a chroma pack…

9. Knockout Lee Sin

Now there are a few Lee Sin skins, and they aren’t that bad, however they were getting old and what better idea for a skin than Knockout Lee Sin. This skin look great in game, it looks very new and updated compared to some of Lee Sin’s older skins, and the animations look awesome.

8. Risen Fiddlesticks

I don’t think there are any Fiddlestick skins that have anything to do with each other, Fiddle’s skins cover every theme, from surprise party to pirate. And now his most recent, an egyptian pharaoh. This skin look great in game and is a nice update for an older champion.

7. Prehistoric Skins

These sweet skins came out around the time Jurassic World was released. They’re actually pretty cool skins, I can’t pick my favourite one because they all look good!

6. Star Guardian Lux

Star Guardian Lux is a very colourful skin that brings lots of…Pink! to the game. In game this skin actually looks REALLY good, all of her abilities look great and it really changes the feel of her, sort of like Final Boss Veigar before he got nerfed, except Lux is still fun to play…

5. Rogue Slaughter Fleet

These stylish skins came out with the Gangplank rework and they definitely hit the theme! These skins look pretty great in game, especially Aatrox!

4. Curse of the Sad Surprise Party

These set of skins came out around the time URF was released. All of these skins are pretty funny and are sure to give you a laugh every time you see them in game. I think the best one is Udyr just because of how silly it looks when he’s walking around in a bear suit.

3. Pool Party!

Yep, that’s right. The Pool Party skins make the top 3. All the Pool Party skins are great, but these new ones are pretty funky. Draven, Mundo, and Lulu look awesome in these skins!

2. Guardian of the Sands Kha’Zix

This Kha’Zix skin is a little different Mecha Kha’Zix. This skin makes Kha’Zix feel more like a bug (which is what it should do). This skin looks awesome in game and is in my opinion better than Mecha.

1. Cutthroat Graves and Cutpurse Twisted Fate

Coming in at number one is the Graves Twisted Fate duo. These skins are pretty neat and also follow the whole Gangplank story. They are pirate based skins and they sure look great in game.

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Zach Pogue


Zach is an esports fanatic based out of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Zach’s primary passion is League of Legends where he is both a player and a fan of the LCS. When he’s not playing the game you’ll find Zach watching the LCS, and while he primarily covers the NA LCS, he’s also a huge fan of Fnatic and SKT.