Dota is a punishing game for newcomers, and the lackluster tutorial doesn't make learning the basics of the game any easier. The current tutorial...
This is part 4 of a 4 part series covering the rookie teams set to play in the upcoming 2016 NA LCS Spring Split....
Many of the public outcries of late for champion nerfs have been directed towards some of the hyper-carrying AD champions: Zed, Shyvana, Quinn, etc.....
Dota is a complex game that is continually rebalanced. Recently, it seems like every time there is a major update there are also a...
Roster shuffles are a constant reality in pretty much all eSports. When it's time to try a new strategy, it seems like there are basically...
Introduction This is yet another Yogg-Saron inspired deck. It was first seen in competitive play by Tars, who brought it to Dreamhack Austin and managed...
Earlier this week European LCS team Origen announced a change in their coaching staff that has former pro Araneae coming in to replace Nicothepico as head...
Introduction to Patch 6.1.3 For the past month or so, the Hearthstone community has been very upset with the state of the game. Many professionals...
There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing...
This is part one of a series of articles on the tremendous expectations placed on relatively young professional esports players. Before they have the...
Get ready to pack your bags, head on over to Fort Destiny, and begin your murderous quest to be the last player standing. Enter below...
Brace yourselves, Overwatch fans. Teasers on the PlayOverwatch blog, around the Lijiang Tower map, and from the mouth of Blizzard's very own Oracle of Delphi,...