Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Reno Mage Banner

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Reno Mage

The release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan brought with it many new Reno cards. Very quickly it was established that Warlock was the best Reno class, with Priest trailing. Reno Mage was thrown to the dumpsters, deemed virtually unplayable....
What's in a meta? Lots of overpowered stuff, it turns out.

Hearthstone: 2016 Meta Review

It's finally 2017. Happy New Year to everyone! For our first Hearthstone article of the New Year, we wanted to take a look back at the meta throughout 2016. A look at the best, the worst, and the Shamans. Are...
Patches the Pirate rears his swashbuckling head.

Elusive Turn Five: The Worst Hearthstone Meta to Date

Recently, many professional players, as well as community members, have expressed their unhappiness with the state of Hearthstone. This dissatisfaction is a direct result of several cards printed in the recent Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion, and it may...
Thrall Banner

Aggro Shaman Guide: It’s Back (Again)

My greatest fears have come to fruition. During the reveal of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, I wondered about this. And now it has happened. The new cards were cool and strong, but unfortunately, all they did was make Shaman...
Seatstory VI Cup Banner

Seatstory Cup VI: The Best Hearthstone Tournament

Introduction If you watch Hearthstone on Twitch, you’ll notice that recently it’s been nothing but Seatstory games. That’s because the newest Seatstory Cup, the sixth installment, is currently taking place. It’s a massive invitational tournament featuring thirty-two professional players. Nearly...
Edwin Van Cleef Banner

The Post-Gadgetzan Meta: Back to Normal?

Introduction With the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion, a new meta appeared, dominated by Jade Golems, Pirates, and Reno decks. The ones that really stood out were Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, and Renolock. Those three decks made up a massive percentage...
Grimy Goons Banner

The Grimy Goons Are Pretty Lame

The Families The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion added three crime families, or factions. We’ve discussed them quite a bit here, but I’ll briefly explain. The three factions added cards that can be used by three different classes. The Jade...
Dirty Rat isn't even that dirty. Literally unplayable.

A Dirty Rat Surprise from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Introduction One of the more interesting cards from Hearthstone's latest expansion is Dirty Rat. Most people put their judgments aside on it, waiting to see it in action. I myself specifically avoided talking about it in the anti-aggro segment, unsure...
Patches the Pirate rears his swashbuckling head.

Patches the Pirate Is Overpowered

  If you’ve been playing ladder since the release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, then you already know about Patches the Pirate. For the uninformed, Patches is a one mana 1/1 Pirate with charge. Oh, and if you play a Pirate,...
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Jade Faction

Standout Decks from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion has been out for two days now, and I’ve been playing nothing but Hearthstone. Over such a short period, it’s impossible to see all the new strong decks. However, there are some new...
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Pack

Blizzard Compensates Hearthstone Players with Extra Packs

What Happened? The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion was officially launched yesterday. Awesome! Right? Right. Players experienced some classic Blizzard server lag, as Hearthstone fans logged on as early as possible to open their pre-ordered and purchased packs. Hell, I opened 150 myself. Kripp had...
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Jade Faction

The Five Most Useless Cards in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Well, the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion has now been completely revealed. We can now go through and honestly, truly, declare which cards are the worst. The ones I’ve listed here… are not the worst. At least not always....