Jungroan Lin

Jungroan "Jezie" Lin is a Challenger League of Legends player, former top lane player for Complexity Gaming, and former jungler for Team Green Forest. He spent 6 months of his life playing only Renekton, Shyvana, and Dr. Mundo while failing to qualify for the LCS. Jungroan is currently pursuing his M.A. in Political Science at UBC.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwPa1SGLGv0 On May 31st 2016, Riot hosted a roundtable discussion regarding Dynamic Queue. They brought together the following personalities. Riot Pwyff - Communications Lead at Riot...
Since League of Legends' inception, its audience has been clamoring for a sandbox mode - a game style where any, and every, parameter could...
The bird is back - not Quinn. The 'OG' Master Tactician, Swain, has returned to the meta once again, almost exclusively as a top...
Each day, millions of players deal with the busiest shopkeeper in the world. He is the man who smiths your swords, patches up your boots,...
North American League of Legends is in a lull right now, many of the professional teams having flown away to Korea to test out...
I'm not. On May 18th, 2016, Riot Games announced its newest in-game feature for League of Legends: /remake. Riot Socrates made the official forum update, listing...
  Throughout my collegiate adventures I have, at times, adopted a disgustingly unhealthy lifestyle. Beyond almost completely losing my muscle definition at times, I have...
I'm here to bring you the next hot topic on Summoner's Rift - the sleeper pick that you haven't - and probably will...
Less than half an hour after a reddit post calling out The Rain Man's toxicity on stream, he was swiftly banned on his main...
On May 9th, 2016, Super Smash Bros Melee history was retroactively distorted. For the first time in his storied career, The People's Champion - Bobby...
The group stages of the 2016 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational have been played out, serving up several surprises, including the elimination of...
Patch 6.9 brought some massive mage changes, however, the greatest impact has probably been seen on Malzahar so far. He has gone from...